Newsletter - November 2020
Well as you all know Covid has been causing a lot of problems, and once again we’ve seen Grassroots sports sadly being suspended until at least the 2nd December.
All the hard work that’s been put in by not only the players but, the club coaches and parents have been put on hold because of the increase in the Covid infection rate. Some of you may be thinking, why stop Grassroots football; after all, no one in our team has been affected?
It would appear from the basic records and information that we keep this appears to be the case in the younger teams from the under 10’s down. The older teams, however, have been affected by covid, and prior to lock down many of the older players were missing games or seeing games cancelled, as more and more players were testing positive or having to isolate. Matthew, who assists with Shaun’s under 11’s team and creator of the web site, has recently tested positive for the virus and all at Southport Athletic wish him a speedy recovery.
So what can we do during lockdown? It’s very important that all our players stay fit and prepare the best they can for the return of our beautiful game. I’m sure Robbo will have plenty of advice in his column. Plenty of running and cycling is the best way to keep fit and keep off the Mince Pies which are already in the shops. I’ve had four boxes already. 🤣🤣
Well what else has been happening since the last newsletter?
We have seen some great football from all of our teams, with a lot of teams winning games against sides they were losing to last season. Ben’s under 10’s have continued their success from last season and remain unbeaten so far this year. Keep it going boys.👍
Just before lockdown, several home games were played at Ferryside on the Sunday, on what was a rare sunny day. Everyone agreed that it was a great atmosphere, and for the first time we had a feeling of belonging as a club. It really felt like home with all our teams playing in the same kit and the sponsors advertising banners being displayed around the pitches. Paul and Ben must have felt really proud of what the club had achieved; I know I did. We now have a lock-up at Ferryside where we can store equipment and goals which is a great help and thank you to S and A football club for allowing us to use it.👏👏
Most of you will have noticed the signs erected at Ferryside relating to Dog Poo on the pitches. Since we started using Ferryside, there has been a lot of dog-related issues, not only “Tons of Dog muck “but children being chased by dogs off their leads. We have had several discussions with dog owners at the fields and on Facebook, and it has to be said the majority of dog walkers have been very supportive. We will continue to deal with any dog owner who fails to keep their dog/s under control.
Finally a big thank you to Mr and Mrs Williams who live on Ferryside Lane. An email was received from them saying how much they enjoyed the return of children playing football at Ferryside and they also made a financial contribution to the club. 👍👍

Breaking News
Congratulations to Peter Clarke, the club treasurer, who scored the 84th-minute winner for Tranmere Rovers against Accrington Stanley in the FA cup. Good luck to Peter and Tranmere in the second round draw! If this doesn’t inspire you players, nothing will!
Food Bank
As always in life, there are families out there who are struggling, through no fault of their own, during these unprecedented times. Paul and Ben have set up a food bank, although I believe Claire and Kerry, Paul and Ben’s better half’s, are doing all the hard work. ☺. To date they have been able to support several families through their efforts. A big THANK’S to all of you for making donations and please continue to do so during lockdown, with Christmas coming up these families need all the help we can give them. For more information on how to donate, please go to the Southport Athletic Facebook via the web site.
If anyone is struggling at this time, please contact any of the football managers direct and be assured that the upmost discretion and confidentiality will be given. Please do not hesitate to ask for help if you or anyone you know needs help.
Kit Update
Unfortunately, at this moment, we find ourselves still waiting for our winter jackets; however, I am assured they should be with us in the next few days. This has been a real learning curve for the club and going forward the decision has been made to source kits locally in the future.
Bank Update
No further response or apology has been received from the bank. Monthly Subs Player’s subs are an annual fee payable over a ten-month period. The decision has had to be taken to continue to collect subs during the current lockdown, due to end 2/12/2020. If lockdown continues beyond this date, the club will review the situation and decide whether or not sub payments will be suspended.
Sub payments have been kept to an absolute minimum, and every penny is/has been put back into the club so our children can have the very best kit and equipment. We also have to look to next season to ensure funds will be available to make payments required. In normal circumstances, fundraising events would have been held to raise finance, but, as you all know, this hasn’t been possible so far this year.
Again if any parent/s are struggling, please advise your manager for assistance, and we will help.
Thank you for your continued support. To make payments, please use the following bank details.
Sort Code 40-12-26
Acct No. 93663191
Using a correct reference is required EG:- Name of player and team playing for. Therefore Smith Under 9’s. any issues please discuss with the team manager.
The following is an update of club finances from 30/9/20 up to and including 6/11/20
Hopefully next month we will be back playing, although only briefly as Christmas is nearly upon us, when we take yet another break from the game☹☹ .
Please, Please remember, if you or anyone one you know, is in need of help at this time let us know. We are a community club and as such wish to play an active role in the community wherever we can, as well as providing grass roots football for the kids. Take care everyone and stay safe. We will get there!
If you would like to post anything in our newsletter please feel free to e mail me at It would be nice to post any contribution submitted☺☺