Newsletter - May 20
Yes another month has gone by and we still find most people in lock down and no further information as to when we can start playing football again. I wish I could tell you something more positive other than it looks like Liverpool will get to play out the season and become Premier League Champions.
The football kits we showed last month have changed slightly although, Red and Black is still the colour. Ben has been very busy sourcing a full kit and has managed to negotiate a very good price per kit which allows us to purchase the complete kit as opposed to just shirts and includes all printing. We are looking to make the order for the kits in the next couple of weeks. I have attached below the kits and the new goal keeper kit, which I think is really sick. For those un educated parents “sick” means great these days.
Red and Black
Socks to be black with red band at top
Bank Account
The banks are still not in a position to open an account for us as they are prioritising business loans on behalf of the government and realistically we have been advised that it could be late July before we can deal with this. Unfortunately we cannot wait this long as we need to spend money and prepare for the forthcoming season , whenever that may start. I have a Client Account with the HSB and have agreed with the committee to utilise this facility until we get our own account. We realise this is not what we wanted but our hands are tied at this moment and we can see no alternative .
Sponsorship and Fund Raising
The fundraising has been going really well, considering we`ve all been in lock down. At the time of typing this news letter the Just giving fund totals £2,207-00 although this does include £500-00 sponsorship money paid over. In addition to this I have £150-00 in cash ready to bank when we have an account. Paul and Ben completed their gruelling bike ride and I suffered the embarrassing hair cut for two weeks as agreed and I even returned to work with it. At the moment Peter Clarke from the under 9`s initially agreed to have his legs waxed if he could raise £300 . Pressure was applied and he agreed to a Bikini wax if he raised £400 current total is now £435. I can tell you he`s not looking forward to it but, we can all have a good laugh when the video comes out. It only takes twenty of you to give the price of a pint and who knows he may have to shave his head as well.
Martyn is also fund raising and is doing the Lakeland hundred (100) mile run. The actual race has been cancelled for obvious reasons however, it is being run in virtual mode. Martyn starts running on the 20th July and has to finish by noon on the 26th July in which time he has to have completed the full 100 miles . Please go to the Just giving page if you would like to sponsor him. Martyn has done a lot for all our kids and it would be nice to see him rewarded with some sponsorship.
Progress with Registration
You should of all had your registration forms by now and the latest submission date is the 15th June, so please make sure they are returned in good time. Once these are in we can buy the kits and some new equipment. If you haven`t had your form yet please speak to your manager or contact me.
Home Ground
Since we last published Sefton Council have taken back possession of Russell Road and changed all the locks to the compound. We are still waiting for them to give us access to recover any equipment we may have in there (assuming it`s still there) a story for the future. Paul has been discussing pitches with Sefton and we are very hopeful about that Sefton will advise in the next 10 days.
Sponsorship and Fundraising
So far we have several sponsors for the teams and they are paying either £250 or £500. The generosity of these businesses and individuals has been overwhelming. I`m still trying to collate the information but, for now I have listed all the sponsors below on page 4. By next month I should have more information about all of our sponsors. A big thank you to all of them. If any body would like to help with the sponsored fund raising please let me know and we will get it out there to everyone and onto the Just giving site. Again the link below will take you to the site which will keep you informed of the total raised to date , what`s going on and allow you to make a payment if you wish to do so.
Thank you all again for your fantastic support, it has more than justified all the hard work that has gone on behind the scenes particularly from Ben, Paul and all the managers. Some good news for everyone. During lockdown we have seen the arrival of two new supporters / players. Cora born 19th of May to Louise Fleming and “No name yet” for Ben Minto`s little boy born 1st June. Congratulations to both families and enjoy the sleepless nights.